
I will give a presentation entitled “Surrogate-assisted Differential Evolution with Adaptation of Training Data Selection Criterion” at IEEE SSCI 2022, a refereed international conference.

Dec 4, 2022 1:30 PM — Dec 7, 2022 6:00 PM
Singapore Management University, Singapore, Singapore

It’s been a long time, and this is a last-minute update….

This is my first time to attend an international conference in person. I hope to have a lot of discussions.

Abstract of the Paper

In surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms (SAEAs), the selection criterion of training data is a crucial option to improve the prediction accuracy of surrogate models. In this paper, we hypothesize that a proper selection criterion changes dependent on the problems and/or search situations. Accordingly, this paper proposes a surrogate-assisted differential evolution, which adapts the training data selection criterion to enhance the model accuracy and then optimization performance of our SAEA. In detail, the proposed algorithm builds multiple approximation models under different selection criteria. Then, the best-fitting model is utilized to screen candidate solutions. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art SAEAs on a single-objective optimization benchmark suite up to 100 dimensions.

What’s IEEE SSCI ? (Cited from the Homepage)

IEEE SSCI is an established flagship annual international series of symposia on computational intelligence sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. The 2022 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI) will be held in Singapore, from December 4th to December 7th, 2022. IEEE SSCI 2022 promotes and stimulates discussion on the latest theory, algorithms, applications and emerging topics on computational intelligence. The IEEE SSCI co-locates multiple symposia under one roof, each dedicated to a specific topic in the CI domain, thereby encouraging cross-fertilization of ideas and providing a unique platform for top researchers, professionals, and students from all around the world to discuss and present their findings. IEEE SSCI 2022 will feature keynote addresses, tutorials, panel discussions and special sessions, all of which are open to all participants. The conference proceedings of the IEEE SSCI will be included in the IEEE Xplore and indexed by all major databases.

Kei Nishihara
Kei Nishihara
2nd-year Doctoral Student

My research interests include evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence.
