Performance Improvement with Prior-validation Framework for Algorithmic Configuration on Self-adaptive Differential Evolution


Self-adaptive differential evolution approaches (self-adaptive DEs) often suffer to boost their performances under a limited number of fitness evaluations, since they heavily rely on the trial-and-error process required to adapt algorithmic configurations. In order to enhance the performance in early generations, this paper presents a generalized prior-validation framework for algorithmic configurations, which can be applicable to major variants of self-adaptive DEs that adapt the scaling factor, the crossover rate, and/or the mutation/crossover strategies for each individual. Experimental results on benchmark problems show that the proposed method successfully boosts the performances of jDE, SaDE, and JADE. Thus, the proposed method reveals a possibility of self-adaptive DEs toward computationally-expensive optimization problems where self-adaptive DEs have had a difficulty.

Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 51–67 (in Japanese)


  • All materials on this page are author’s versions, not necessarily coincide with final published versions.
  • IPSJ issued the call for paper of this journal in conjunction with the 131st MPS, a national conference.
Kei Nishihara
Kei Nishihara
3rd-year Doctoral Student

My research interests include evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence.
